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Understanding and Practicing Step Seven
Understanding and Practicing Step Seven

Now that July has begun, we can push past the halfway point in our monthly series on the Twelve Steps by focusing upon Step Seven. This step is in many ways an extension of Step Six, in which we became ready to remove our character defects. Now, much as we did with...

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New Overdose Prevention Method Involving Naloxone
New Overdose Prevention Method Involving Naloxone

Not too long ago, we talked about the benefits of Narcan and how it can potentially save lives. The drug works by reversing overdose symptoms, giving the victim enough time to receive medical care. It has been so effective that it has even been distributed to high...

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The Shocking Truth About Addiction in America
The Shocking Truth About Addiction in America

We talk a lot about the opioid epidemic and the growing benzo epidemic, but we can’t ignore the truth. Addiction itself, regardless of the substance involved, is spreading at a frightening rate. It has been quite some time since we published our article on addiction...

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The Detox Period for Fentanyl
The Detox Period for Fentanyl

Like many opiates, fentanyl use appears to be on the rise. While once abused primarily by addicts working within the medical profession, fentanyl now shows up more and more frequently on the streets. Not only is it a highly effective drug on its own, but many heroin...

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A Message to Abuse Survivors
A Message to Abuse Survivors

TRIGGER WARNING: As you may have guessed from the title, this article and some of its imagery may be difficult for some people to digest. Use your discretion in determining if this applies to you. If you are currently suffering abuse, call the National Domestic...

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Learning to Stand Up for Ourselves
Learning to Stand Up for Ourselves

We should all embrace the need to stand up for ourselves when necessary. There are many different types of addicts and alcoholics. Many outsiders picture the substance abuser as someone who has trouble controlling their anger. They picture us as people who, with...

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Reading Guide for ‘How It Works’
Reading Guide for ‘How It Works’

There are few chapters as important to Alcoholics Anonymous as the fifth chapter of The Big Book, "How It Works". It's so vital that this chapter is frequently invoked at most AA meetings. "How It Works" has strong tie-ins with Step Three and Four of AA's Twelve Steps...

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Executive Order in Ohio Focuses on Addiction Treatment
Executive Order in Ohio Focuses on Addiction Treatment

A while back, we wrote an article on the benefits of small treatment facilities. We primarily focused on private facilities, as state-run facilities often lack the funding needed in order to truly operate at their best capability. This could be changed, however, if...

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Prince and the Fentanyl Epidemic
Prince and the Fentanyl Epidemic

The death of musician Prince is not recent by modern press standards, but it’s still something that many are discussing. Not just because of the sadness that results from losing such an influential artist, but also because his death may be an indicator as to just how...

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