Addiction is a disease, but it is so much more. Learn more about this complex condition that millions of Americans are struggling with right now.

5 Hobbies to Pick Up in Addiction Recovery

Many recovering addicts will often notice that they have a lot of free time on their hands. Instead of obsessing over, using, or getting over the use of drugs or alcohol, these individuals now have nothing to do. If they don’t fill in their spare time with a  hobby,...


As I sit on the edge of the couch, my posture is anything but relaxed. The heels of my feet are elevated off of the floor, and I am hunched forward with one of my hands covering my mouth. My fingernails have been gnawed off both of my hands as I anxiously wait for the...

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Getting sober in your 20’s… Is the party really over?

When I was a young girl and someone would ask me what I wanted to do when I grew up I told them I wanted to be a veterinarian. At 18 years old I imagined myself graduating from high school, heading off to college, with the world at my fingertips, and starting the next...

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