Can Holistic Treatment Work for Opiate Addiction and Withdrawal?

Opioid abuse disorder is a complex medical condition involving physiological, psychological, genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. There are many treatment methods, and patients often react differently to each. In the 70s, holistic medicine started gaining...

Co-Occurring Disorders: When Eating Disorders Meet Substance Abuse

Eating disorders and substance use disorders often come hand in hand. Studies show that anywhere from 8% to 41% of drug abusers struggle with bulimia nervosa (BN). Another 2% to 10% of drug addicts struggle with anorexia nervosa (AN).  Eating disorders are...

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3 Types of Behavioral Therapies Offered at a Rehab for Alcoholism

Rehab for alcoholism offers a wide variety of treatment options. There are plenty of components involved. Patients learn how to break both their physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. They go through different types of treatment options to achieve...

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Removing Our Character Defects

Removing Our Character Defects

When discussing our battles with addiction, we often make mention of character defects. Sometimes, these defects of character are related to our lack of inhibitions while intoxicated. At other times, our shortcomings may be influenced by co-occurring disorders that...

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Understanding the Jellinek Curve

Understanding the Jellinek Curve

Addiction treatment is a confusing time in a person’s life. As a new patient attempts to organize themselves and come to grips with their surroundings, they may find themselves wondering how they got there in the first place. When did life get so out of hand? When did...

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The Importance of Your Sobriety Date

The Importance of Your Sobriety Date

 Every once in a while, those who attend 12-step meetings may hear someone open a share by giving their sobriety date. There are men and women the world over who will not begin a share in AA or NA without mentioning this date, as it is one of the dates held dearest...

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Benefits of Equine Therapy

Benefits of Equine Therapy

Equine therapy offers patients a fun and unique way of getting to know more about themselves. (Gary Howe/The New York Times) Animals can be therapeutic. That’s why dogs can become service animals to those who suffer from anxiety, and that’s why we spend hours upon...

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Relapse Prevention Tips to Remember

Relapse Prevention Tips to Remember

  Addiction recovery is a lifelong struggle. Some people won’t tell you that, but it’s absolutely true. Those of us who have underestimated the strength of our addiction in the past would give just about anything to turn back the clock in time to learn this...

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Operation HOPE Succeeds in Maine

Operation HOPE Succeeds in Maine

We’ve published a few articles in the past that discussed the major societal issues facing alcoholics and drug addicts, and what we can do to help them. One of the first times we ever did this was in our article on legal issues faced by addicts, which discussed the...

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Benefits of Small Treatment Facilities

Benefits of Small Treatment Facilities

Does size matter? This question gets batted around on all kinds of topics. Some may wonder if a bigger university is better than a smaller one. Others have firm opinions regarding the size of the city or town they live in. But what about addiction treatment? Can small...

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Drug & Alcohol Addiction Statistics & Demographics

Drug & Alcohol Addiction Statistics & Demographics

We’ve talked a bit about addiction statistics before, such as our discussion of recidivism rates for addicts with legal issues. We also mentioned some basic demographic trends in our article on addict personality myths. But we’ve never really dedicated an article to...

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EMDR Trauma Therapy and Addiction Treatment

EMDR Trauma Therapy and Addiction Treatment

EMDR was devised as a way to treat PTSD, such as that experienced by many veterans. (ShutterStock) People have different reasons for becoming addicts and alcoholics. Many are people who simply partied too much at an early age and found it difficult to stop. Others...

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Amethyst Moms' Corner and Parent Alumni Program

Amethyst Moms' Corner and Parent Alumni Program

A while back, we published an article entitled "Addiction as a Family Disease: Stories of Hope." In this article, we discussed the two-way relationship in which the addict affects their family while the family has an effect on the addict. We related three stories of...

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Insurance and the Cost of Addiction Treatment

Insurance and the Cost of Addiction Treatment

We write a lot on this site about why treatment for alcohol and drug addiction is a necessity. Whether discussing addiction as a family disease or simply talking about the tendency of many addicts and alcoholics to find themselves in legal trouble, the common theme is...

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Legal Issues Faced by Addicts: How Can We Help?

Legal Issues Faced by Addicts: How Can We Help?

In our recent article regarding the tragic life of Amy Winehouse, we chronicled the story of her substance abuse during every year between 2005 and her death due to alcohol poisoning in 2011. Aside from the outline of her struggles with substance dependency itself,...

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