Alcohol Recovery Stages: Days, Weeks, Months, Years

Alcohol Recovery Stages: Days, Weeks, Months, Years

Although legal, alcohol packs a powerful punch that has brought countless folks to their knees. If the insidious addiction to the liquid gold has wreaked havoc on your life, you aren’t alone. Likewise, you are not alone in your quest for recovery from alcoholism. The...
Alcohol Questionnaires for Detoxing and Recovery

Alcohol Questionnaires for Detoxing and Recovery

Over 80 percent of people 18 and over drink alcohol and millions of these people become alcoholics.  Alcoholism is a disease of addiction that has physical manifestations that can eventually lead to death.  In the United States, for example, alcoholism is the third...
Alcohol Counselor and Counseling Services

Alcohol Counselor and Counseling Services

If you’re someone who has enjoyed alcohol frequently and are starting to wonder if you have a problem, an alcohol counselor can help. What was once fun could be hurting you, and the only way forward is to get your problem under control; a professional like a counselor...
Alcohol Detox & Withdrawal: Symptoms & Treatment

Alcohol Detox & Withdrawal: Symptoms & Treatment

What Is Alcohol Withdrawal? When someone drinks alcohol, it affects the central nervous system. The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord, and alcohol has a depressant effect on it. That’s why when someone’s intoxicated they may seem drowsy, may pass out or may have...

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