Different Levels of Alcoholism & Alcohol Abuse

Different Levels of Alcoholism & Alcohol Abuse

Different drinking levels are often referenced when diagnosing alcoholism and alcohol abuse. The path to alcohol addiction doesn’t happen overnight. For example, moderate drinking isn’t a cause for concern in most people. However, when drinking gets out of control,...
How Do You Safely Take Methadone?

How Do You Safely Take Methadone?

To safely take methadone, users have to follow direct doctor’s instructions. In some cases, doctors will use methadone to treat opioid addiction. It’s a common medication used in intensive outpatient programs and as part of a medication-assisted treatment (MAT)...
Is Meth a Depressant or Stimulant?

Is Meth a Depressant or Stimulant?

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Meth causes increased activity and a pleasurable sense of euphoria. However, because amphetamines can treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy, some people...

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