12 Step Programs

Founded in 1935 in Akron, Ohio, Alcoholics Anonymous was a peer-based self-help group that changed addiction treatment forever. Since its humble beginnings, it has gone on to drastically change how the world views addicted persons and inspired dozens of other 12 step programs such as Narcotics Anonymous, Dual Diagnosis Anonymous, and many more.

Going to Your First AA Meeting

If you've decided that Alcoholics Anonymous could be helpful for your recovery but have no idea what to expect or how it works, this article will guide you to your first AA meeting.  What to Expect from Your First AA Meeting Be prepared for some level of...

Does AA Work? That’s For You to Decide

Alcoholics Anonymous has become quite a buzz in the recovery world. The group-like nature of the meetings, the team bonding, and the anonymity all seem to be talked about often. Some treatment programs swear by Alcoholics Anonymous and other similarly structured 12...

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Building a Strong Social Network: Do NA Meetings Work?

Closely based on Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous (NA) has a nearly identical purpose to that of its predecessor but with one important difference. Rather than focusing on alcohol sobriety, Narcotics Anonymous is open to users of any type of drug (including...

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Breaking Down the Lord’s Prayer

Breaking Down the Lord’s Prayer

At the end of most AA meetings, we join hands and recite the Lord’s Prayer. Some people find this appalling, feeling as if it forces us to accept a specific definition of a Higher Power. Certainly, AA tells us many times to interpret the spiritual world in a manner...

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New 12 Step Immersion Track at Amethyst Recovery Center

New 12 Step Immersion Track at Amethyst Recovery Center

One of the hardest steps for any alcoholic or addict to take is asking for help and acknowledging that they have an alcohol and drug problem. Selecting the right substance abuse treatment facility should not be taken lightly and requires research and careful...

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The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept VII

The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept VII

As written in AA’s pamphlet on the Twelve Concepts, the Seventh Concept states: “The Conference recognizes that the Charter and the Bylaws of the General Service Board are legal instruments: that the Trustees are thereby fully empowered to manage and conduct all of...

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Guide to Socializing at 12-Step Meetings

Guide to Socializing at 12-Step Meetings

Socializing becomes rather difficult for some of us when we enter recovery. Perhaps we once excelled at making friends. But as substance abuse gradually took control over our lives, many of us lost touch with this particular skill set. We didn’t know how to meet...

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10 AA Slogans and Their Deeper Meanings

10 AA Slogans and Their Deeper Meanings

When people first join Alcoholics Anonymous, they may raise their eyebrows at some of the common AA slogans and phrases. These slogans can sound cheesy, especially when they get constantly repeated by people who say them without context of their deeper meanings. The...

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12 Promises and 12 Rewards

12 Promises and 12 Rewards

When first entering recovery, many of us find ourselves with a few doubts and reservations. We fear that it might become harder to make friends once we can no longer go to a bar and buy a few rounds. Perhaps we fear that we may lose the friends we already have if they...

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The 12 Steps to Addiction Recovery

The 12 Steps to Addiction Recovery

When we first start drinking or abusing drugs, it might take some time before we see any real consequences. Many of us begin with simple experimentation, and everything appears just fine. But as our use continues to increase, we gradually find ourselves slipping...

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Embracing the Eighth Tradition

Embracing the Eighth Tradition

“Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers.” Unlike the previous seven traditions, this is the first one that focuses on service centers rather than the groups themselves. Furthermore, it’s the only...

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Embracing the Seventh Tradition

Embracing the Seventh Tradition

“Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”   Tradition Seven might seem a bit strange at first. In the addiction recovery space, we talk a lot about the importance of asking for help, however, the Seventh Tradition is...

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Understanding and Practicing Step Seven

Understanding and Practicing Step Seven

Now that July has begun, we can push past the halfway point in our monthly series on the Twelve Steps by focusing upon Step Seven. This step is in many ways an extension of Step Six, in which we became ready to remove our character defects. Now, much as we did with...

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Reading Guide for ‘How It Works’

Reading Guide for ‘How It Works’

There are few chapters as important to Alcoholics Anonymous as the fifth chapter of The Big Book, "How It Works". It's so vital that this chapter is frequently invoked at most AA meetings. "How It Works" has strong tie-ins with Step Three and Four of AA's Twelve Steps...

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The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept VI

The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept VI

We’ve finally reached the halfway point in this series on the Twelve Concepts. If you actually read Conference-approved literature on the Twelve Concepts for World Service, you will find that Concept VI has one of the shorter write-ups, despite the fact that its...

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