Understanding and Practicing Step Four

Understanding and Practicing Step Four

Now that we have entered the month of April, it is time to introduce our fourth installment in our series on the Twelve Steps. This is an important one, as it begins a new chapter in our step work. Step One, Step Two and Step Three are all strongly connected as the...
Seven Heavenly Virtues: Humility

Seven Heavenly Virtues: Humility

Humility is the most important of the Seven Heavenly Virtues, which is why it has been chosen to end this series. Much as pride is often seen as the root of all the Seven Deadly Sins, humility is in many ways the attribute which breeds the rest of the virtues. Without...
Seven Heavenly Virtues: Charity

Seven Heavenly Virtues: Charity

In the most recent installment of our series on the Seven Heavenly Virtues, we mentioned that kindness meant more than just charity. Of course, the two clearly still go hand-in-hand. And once recovering addicts and alcoholics have learned the basics of kindness, it is...
Seven Heavenly Virtues: Kindness

Seven Heavenly Virtues: Kindness

Even if you had only just heard of the Seven Heavenly Virtues for the first time, it would likely not surprise you to learn that kindness was on the list. In fact, it is the first virtue we have covered that mostly stands on its own. Courage is required for diligence,...
Seven Heavenly Virtues: Chastity

Seven Heavenly Virtues: Chastity

It was mentioned in our initial article on the Seven Heavenly Virtues that chastity had something of a broad definition. Technically, the same could be said of diligence or temperance, as both encompass numerous virtuous qualities that would be beneficial to the life...

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