Showing Strength Through Vulnerability

Showing Strength Through Vulnerability

Nobody wants to feel vulnerable. It’s hard to show others the chinks in our armor. In fact, it can even be quite difficult to admit the existence of these chinks to ourselves. But addiction recovery is an emotional experience. If we don’t process these emotions in a...
Learning to Stand Up for Ourselves

Learning to Stand Up for Ourselves

We should all embrace the need to stand up for ourselves when necessary. There are many different types of addicts and alcoholics. Many outsiders picture the substance abuser as someone who has trouble controlling their anger. They picture us as people who, with...
Developing Social Skills at Amethyst Recovery

Developing Social Skills at Amethyst Recovery

Nobody can go through addiction recovery alone. If we are to remain sober, we need a healthy support network upon whom we can lean when we need help. But for some people, this will be difficult to attain. Some of us have found that our social skills were lacking while...
Changing Unhealthy Habits at Amethyst Recovery

Changing Unhealthy Habits at Amethyst Recovery

Of the many things addicts and alcoholics have in common with those who have enabled them, the tendency to engage in numerous unhealthy habits is near the top of the list. When addiction turns into a family disease, everyone affected will develop this tendency to an...
Our Promise of Personalized Care

Our Promise of Personalized Care

At Amethyst Recovery, we endeavor to meet with our patients and determine the best form of personalized care for every specific person’s needs. (Syda Productions/Shutterstock) If you look at the description of our programs, you will see that Amethyst Recovery promises...

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