Alpha Series: Developing Our True Identity

Alpha Series: Developing Our True Identity

The second part of our new counseling approach, the Alpha Series, focuses primarily on the development of a true and healthy identity. Some may wonder how this differs from biblical self-awareness, a series of lessons which also focuses on the development of our...
Alpha Series: Biblical Self-Awareness

Alpha Series: Biblical Self-Awareness

We recently announced that Amethyst would begin embracing the teachings of the Alpha Series, a counseling approach that teaches the gospel of grace by incorporating lessons from the Bible into a program of recovery. Three parts of this approach were outlined, the...
Seven Deadly Sins: Lust

Seven Deadly Sins: Lust

We have now reached the penultimate article in our series on the Seven Deadly Sins. To date, we have covered envy, gluttony, sloth, greed, and wrath. We now turn our focus toward lust. This is a bit of a unique one, as it can manifest as either an emotion or a...
Jealousy and the Need for Control

Jealousy and the Need for Control

Jealousy is a common human experience, something to which we will all fall prey at one point or another. For some people, it is rather fleeting. For others, it is one of our foremost character defects, something that takes hold of us time and time again despite our...

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