Alpha Series: Relational Empowerment

Alpha Series: Relational Empowerment

The final stage of the Alpha Series, having already discussed biblical self-awareness and developing our true identity, is relational empowerment. This is the stage at which we begin assessing the teachings that have brought us to a new understanding of ourselves, and...
Alpha Series: Developing Our True Identity

Alpha Series: Developing Our True Identity

The second part of our new counseling approach, the Alpha Series, focuses primarily on the development of a true and healthy identity. Some may wonder how this differs from biblical self-awareness, a series of lessons which also focuses on the development of our...
Alpha Series: Biblical Self-Awareness

Alpha Series: Biblical Self-Awareness

We recently announced that Amethyst would begin embracing the teachings of the Alpha Series, a counseling approach that teaches the gospel of grace by incorporating lessons from the Bible into a program of recovery. Three parts of this approach were outlined, the...
Reading Guide for ‘Bill’s Story’

Reading Guide for ‘Bill’s Story’

Those who have read Alcoholics Anonymous are already aware that the second chapter (or first, if you don’t count “The Doctor’s Opinion”) is all about AA founder Bill W. In order to help other alcoholics understand how they might recover, he tells the story of his...
Embracing the Second Tradition

Embracing the Second Tradition

The Twelve Traditions are a part of the foundation of 12 step recovery programs. While the Twelve Steps focus on how we recover on a personal level, the Twelve Traditions focus upon our recovery as a group. As we have said time and time again, the addict or alcoholic...

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