The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept VII

The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept VII

As written in AA’s pamphlet on the Twelve Concepts, the Seventh Concept states: “The Conference recognizes that the Charter and the Bylaws of the General Service Board are legal instruments: that the Trustees are thereby fully empowered to manage and conduct all of...
Finding New Freedom at Amethyst Recovery

Finding New Freedom at Amethyst Recovery

Addicts and alcoholics share many things in common, but among the most troubling is our penchant for twisted logic. Any outside observer can tell that substance abuse has become our ball and chain. Nonetheless, many of us tend to glorify drugs and alcohol in our...
Embracing the Seventh Tradition

Embracing the Seventh Tradition

“Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”   Tradition Seven might seem a bit strange at first. In the addiction recovery space, we talk a lot about the importance of asking for help, however, the Seventh Tradition is...
Understanding and Practicing Step Seven

Understanding and Practicing Step Seven

Now that July has begun, we can push past the halfway point in our monthly series on the Twelve Steps by focusing upon Step Seven. This step is in many ways an extension of Step Six, in which we became ready to remove our character defects. Now, much as we did with...

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