Reading Guide for ‘How It Works’

Reading Guide for ‘How It Works’

There are few chapters as important to Alcoholics Anonymous as the fifth chapter of The Big Book, “How It Works”. It’s so vital that this chapter is frequently invoked at most AA meetings. “How It Works” has strong tie-ins with Step Three...
Understanding and Practicing Step Four

Understanding and Practicing Step Four

Now that we have entered the month of April, it is time to introduce our fourth installment in our series on the Twelve Steps. This is an important one, as it begins a new chapter in our step work. Step One, Step Two and Step Three are all strongly connected as the...
Seven Heavenly Virtues: Chastity

Seven Heavenly Virtues: Chastity

It was mentioned in our initial article on the Seven Heavenly Virtues that chastity had something of a broad definition. Technically, the same could be said of diligence or temperance, as both encompass numerous virtuous qualities that would be beneficial to the life...

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