Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 3

Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 3

When we first began on series on fulfilling the Twelve Promises, we mentioned that there are technically only eleven if you read them in Chapter 6 of the Big Book. This is because one of the sentences that makes up that section is cut in half. The first half of that...
Embracing the Third Tradition

Embracing the Third Tradition

Being the third month of the year, we’re following up our article on the Third Step of AA/NA with an article on the Third Tradition. While Tradition Three may not be entirely connected to the Second Tradition, it does actually correlate to the First Tradition in a few...
Understanding and Practicing Step Three

Understanding and Practicing Step Three

It is now March, which means it’s time for the third article in our series on the Twelve Steps. Step Three is often lumped together with Step One and Step Two as one of the primary steps that must be taken before we can move forward and begin taking action to solidify...
Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 1

Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 1

The Twelve Promises, also referred to as the Ninth Step Promises, are an interesting part of AA culture. They are not technically published as a list, but rather as a paragraph on pages 83-84 of the AA Big Book. Yet many have taken them and published them in list form...
Alpha Series: Developing Our True Identity

Alpha Series: Developing Our True Identity

The second part of our new counseling approach, the Alpha Series, focuses primarily on the development of a true and healthy identity. Some may wonder how this differs from biblical self-awareness, a series of lessons which also focuses on the development of our...

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