Seven Heavenly Virtues: Kindness

Seven Heavenly Virtues: Kindness

Even if you had only just heard of the Seven Heavenly Virtues for the first time, it would likely not surprise you to learn that kindness was on the list. In fact, it is the first virtue we have covered that mostly stands on its own. Courage is required for diligence,...
Seven Heavenly Virtues: Chastity

Seven Heavenly Virtues: Chastity

It was mentioned in our initial article on the Seven Heavenly Virtues that chastity had something of a broad definition. Technically, the same could be said of diligence or temperance, as both encompass numerous virtuous qualities that would be beneficial to the life...
Answering Questions for the Newcomers

Answering Questions for the Newcomers

Each and every one of us was a newcomer to recovery at one point or another. Some people have a tendency to forget this when they have been sober for a while. In our eyes, this is likely at least one of the reasons you see so many people who seem to be just fine, only...
Learning to Take Responsibility

Learning to Take Responsibility

If there’s one thing that many addicts and alcoholics have in common, it’s that we like to be lazy from time to time. Sure, you may get the occasional functioning addict who has the strange sensation to get loaded and get some work done. But for many of us, that first...
Embracing the Third Tradition

Embracing the Third Tradition

Being the third month of the year, we’re following up our article on the Third Step of AA/NA with an article on the Third Tradition. While Tradition Three may not be entirely connected to the Second Tradition, it does actually correlate to the First Tradition in a few...

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