Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab Work?

Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab Work?

Addiction thrives on fear. By the time a substance user enters recovery, they find themselves suffering fear of a most paradoxical nature. They shudder at the thought of even one more day allowing drugs and alcohol to run their lives into ruin. At the same time, they...
Drug Rehab Center Success Rates: Why Can’t We Find Them?

Drug Rehab Center Success Rates: Why Can’t We Find Them?

No matter how many good reviews a treatment center receives or how passionately they promise to ensure quality care, some people understandably find it hard to trust anything other than hard data. Unfortunately, such people will find it nearly impossible to find...
Answers to Important Drug and Alcohol Recovery Questions

Answers to Important Drug and Alcohol Recovery Questions

Recovery from a deeply rooted problem such as drug and alcohol addiction does not occur overnight. It requires time, structure, and the support of those who understand the process. Those seeking to recover from addiction will undoubtedly want to know more about this...
Why Drug and Alcohol Rehab Statistics Should Concern Us

Why Drug and Alcohol Rehab Statistics Should Concern Us

Headlines and nightly newscasts remind us on a continuing basis that drugs and alcohol affect countless lives across America. Substance use disorders unravel the lives of users and their families every day. Services exist to treat those in need, but they cannot be...
Can Psychedelic Drugs Lead to Mental Disorders?

Can Psychedelic Drugs Lead to Mental Disorders?

What is the relationship between psychedelic drugs and mental health disorders? Over 30 million Americans abuse psychedelic drugs, like LSD, psilocybin and DMT. The majority of these users are abusing the drugs to trigger a psychedelic experience or hallucination....

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