Xanax Detox & Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline & Centers

Xanax Detox & Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline & Centers

Most treatment centers will go through the Xanax withdrawal and detox timeline with patients, so they know what to expect. The addiction recovery process can be quite long, and withdrawal symptoms can begin to kick in within 24 hours. The withdrawal symptoms are...
The Pros and Cons of Safe Injection Sites

The Pros and Cons of Safe Injection Sites

The proponents of safe injection sites feel that the sites are a welcome addition to the fight against addiction. Specifically, they believe that they are a benefit to public health and the community. On the other hand, the opponents of safe injection sites vehemently...
Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms, Detox, Timeline & Centers

Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms, Detox, Timeline & Centers

How to Ease Adderall Withdrawal Adderall is a brand-name, prescription drug. It’s classified as an amphetamine and is a central nervous system stimulant. Adderall is one of the most commonly prescribed amphetamines and is a schedule II controlled substance. This...
Getting sober in your 20’s… Is the party really over?

Getting sober in your 20’s… Is the party really over?

When I was a young girl and someone would ask me what I wanted to do when I grew up I told them I wanted to be a veterinarian. At 18 years old I imagined myself graduating from high school, heading off to college, with the world at my fingertips, and starting the next...

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