Defining Alcohol as a Drug

Defining Alcohol as a Drug

We often make reference to drugs and alcohol, but many say that alcohol is a drug in and of itself. Certainly it shares many properties with drugs in general, even if it isn’t generally treated the same way under the law. But there are some who absolutely abhor the...
Varying Opinions on Suboxone

Varying Opinions on Suboxone

Many recovering opiate users claim that they would not be alive for today if not for Suboxone. But numerous detractors make it difficult to reach an objective conclusion. If there is one thing that medication-assisted therapy (MAT) and step-based programs have in...
The Link Between Addiction and Suicide

The Link Between Addiction and Suicide

Most people acknowledge the fact that addiction is an exceedingly miserable disease. Some of us begin drinking or abusing drugs to self-medicate issues such as major depression, while some of us become depressed as a result of our substance abusing lifestyle. But this...
7 Daily Tips for Staying Sober

7 Daily Tips for Staying Sober

Quitting is easy. The actual process of deciding not to abuse drugs and alcohol requires very little effort. In fact, it’s so easy that some addicts and alcoholics have become experts at it. At some point toward the end of our active addiction, we might quit upwards...
Life Sentences for Drug-Related Crimes

Life Sentences for Drug-Related Crimes

When we picture “low-bottom” addicts and alcoholics, we tend to picture those who have suffered legal issues. Perhaps they received a few DWIs or spent a few nights in the drunk tank. Maybe they’ve even been in prison for years because they committed violent crimes...

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