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7 Great Lessons from Russell Brand’s 12-Step Guide
7 Great Lessons from Russell Brand’s 12-Step Guide

With nearly fourteen years of clean time under his belt, Russell Brand understands recovery quite well. He speaks on it often, offering revolutionary messages of hope and change. From time to time, he even involves himself in politics, fighting for greater access to...

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Activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System
Activating the Parasympathetic Nervous System

Our brain chemistry plays a major role in the development of addiction, so it stands to reason that it should play a role in recovery as well. A primary way of using your brain to enhance your recovery is by activating the parasympathetic nervous system which provides...

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How Tom Petty Beat Heroin Addiction
How Tom Petty Beat Heroin Addiction

On the morning of October 2, musician Tom Petty was found unconscious in his Malibu home. Suffering full cardiac arrest, he was transported to UCLA Medical Center. That afternoon, several media outlets reported that he had been pulled from life support. These reports...

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Crystal Meth Addiction and Treatment
Crystal Meth Addiction and Treatment

Like many of today’s street drugs, methamphetamine started out as a strictly medicinal substance. First used in decongestants and inhalers, medical professionals eventually discovered that it could be used to treat ADHD, narcolepsy and depression, while also helping...

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Disease or Choice: Why Does It Matter?
Disease or Choice: Why Does It Matter?

Every once in a while, we witness heated debates on social media regarding the disease model of addiction. Despite widespread acceptance within the medical community, many view the disease model with absolute disdain. They feel that addiction is a choice, plain and...

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Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 10
Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 10

If you’ve been reading the other articles in this series, it should be quite clear by now that the Twelve Promises all relate to changes in our thinking. Our actions, emotions and thought patterns are all intertwined. The Twelve Promises are generally called the Ninth...

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Embracing the Tenth Tradition
Embracing the Tenth Tradition

Many of the Twelve Traditions require a bit of metaphor in order to apply them in our everyday lives. This is because, unlike the Twelve Steps, the Twelve Traditions pertain more to AA and NA groups than to the individuals who comprise their membership. But some of...

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Understanding and Practicing Step Ten
Understanding and Practicing Step Ten

Up to this point, the Twelve Steps focused on teaching us the right principles to embody in recovery. Now, it’s time to put those principles into action on a daily basis. There is no point in working so hard to establish a decent moral compass if we intend to toss it...

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Reading Guide for "The Family Afterward"
Reading Guide for "The Family Afterward"

The family members of addicts and alcoholics often suffer terribly until the afflicted individual finally agrees to seek help. Parents, children, spouses, siblings and others all suffer their own pain as they watch a loved one struggle. When the addict or alcoholic...

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