Can Holistic Treatment Work for Opiate Addiction and Withdrawal?

Opioid abuse disorder is a complex medical condition involving physiological, psychological, genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors. There are many treatment methods, and patients often react differently to each. In the 70s, holistic medicine started gaining...

5 Factors That Affect How Long Drug Rehab Lasts

Whether it is because of kids, a pet, your job, financial reasons, or just wanting to get back to life, it is normal to want to know long drug rehab is. It is also normal for family members to wonder how long their loved one will be in a rehab facility or when they...

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Should I Still Attend Treatment During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

As the days pass by, the Coronavirus pandemic is still claiming the livelihood of many. Even those who aren’t showing symptoms live in uncertainty, wondering with each passing second if Corona will come for them or their loved ones.  State and government regulations...

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Signs and Symptoms of Delirium Tremens

Signs and Symptoms of Delirium Tremens

When substance abusers first enter addiction treatment, their entry survey or interview almost always contains one specific question. This question pertains to whether the addict or alcoholic in question has ever suffered from “DTs.” Many patients falsely assume this...

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How to Tell People You’re Entering Drug Treatment

How to Tell People You’re Entering Drug Treatment

When we first come to grips with alcoholism and addiction, we often find ourselves dreading the next step. We harbor many reservations about entering recovery, not all of them rational. Despite the ways in which our substance abuse caused us harm, it feels like a part...

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Developing Open-Mindedness in Treatment

Developing Open-Mindedness in Treatment

Many members of AA and NA define the three primary principles of recovery as honesty, open-mindedness and willingness. In previous articles, we’ve discussed the importance of honesty and the origins of willingness. We have not, however, discussed the importance of...

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Gender Equality in Addiction Treatment

Gender Equality in Addiction Treatment

Gender equality dominates the airwaves as of late, especially insofar as it concerns women. All over the news and social media, we see arguments concerning pay gaps, treatment in the work place, and opportunities for advancement. Every once in a while, we see small...

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Finding (and Using) Your Sponsor

Finding (and Using) Your Sponsor

When we enter recovery through AA or NA, everyone tells us the same thing—we need to find a sponsor. But finding a sponsor feels like a big deal. Where do we look? How do we know they’re right for us? What if we ask for their help and they turn us down? With all of...

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Benzo Addiction on the Rise

Benzo Addiction on the Rise

We talk pretty frequently about the rising opioid epidemic, but addiction takes many forms. And while overdose deaths related to heroin and prescription opioids continue rising, benzodiazepine addiction poses yet another threat. In fact, many overdose deaths appear to...

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Can Personalized Medicine Prevent Addiction?

Can Personalized Medicine Prevent Addiction?

The Human Genome Project, launched in 1990, endeavored to map all genes in human DNA in order to determine their function. To this day, no biological project of its scale has existed. When the Human Genome Project wrapped in 2003, researchers began working to discover...

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Finding New Freedom at Amethyst Recovery

Finding New Freedom at Amethyst Recovery

Addicts and alcoholics share many things in common, but among the most troubling is our penchant for twisted logic. Any outside observer can tell that substance abuse has become our ball and chain. Nonetheless, many of us tend to glorify drugs and alcohol in our...

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Making It Past Early Sobriety

Making It Past Early Sobriety

Many say that the first month of sobriety is the hardest. Others say that things get easier after the first ninety days. Then, there are those who say that you must make it through at least six months, or even up to a year. In truth, however, people relapse at various...

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The Difference Between Acceptance and Complacency

The Difference Between Acceptance and Complacency

If you suffer from addiction or alcoholism, then you’ve probably heard about the First Step. You know that many people say you must admit that you are powerless over drugs and alcohol in order to begin recovering. But many people shorten this step. The shortened...

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Should You Hire A Sober Companion?

Should You Hire A Sober Companion?

They go by many names: sober companion, sober coach, recovery coach, etc. But no matter what you choose to call them, their role remains about the same. A sober companion is someone you pay to help you stay away from drugs and alcohol. Some of them work with...

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The Imaginary Stigma of Entering Recovery

The Imaginary Stigma of Entering Recovery

The first time somebody suggests that we may have a problem with drugs or alcohol, we tend to get angry. We don’t like the suggestion that we might not be able to control our substance abuse. When people tell us that addiction is a disease, we might get even angrier....

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