Why Choose a Rehab Facility Near Me

Why Choose a Rehab Facility Near Me

We have helped many loved ones go through addiction treatment. The biggest challenge is almost always finding a rehab facility. While it seems like going far away is the best option for inpatient drug or alcohol treatment, going to a place close to you is an amazing...
Understanding and Practicing Step Ten

Understanding and Practicing Step Ten

Up to this point, the Twelve Steps focused on teaching us the right principles to embody in recovery. Now, it’s time to put those principles into action on a daily basis. There is no point in working so hard to establish a decent moral compass if we intend to toss it...
Learning How to Move Forward

Learning How to Move Forward

One of the hardest things to overcome after years of addiction is our guilt. For quite some time, we remain convinced that our disease hurt no one but ourselves. Eventually, however, we come to realize that this isn’t quite true. In many cases, this realization leaves...
Overcoming Abstinence Violation Effect

Overcoming Abstinence Violation Effect

When a person relapses after a significant period of sobriety, they often find their substance abuse to be as bad as it was when they quit. In some cases, it may even be much worse. There are a few reasons that their use may spiral out of control in a very short...
Express Yourself Using All Six Senses

Express Yourself Using All Six Senses

Addiction sometimes feels like a dirty secret. We fear that, if we tell anyone about our disease, our peers will judge and ostracize us for something we cannot control. As such, our negative emotions build upon each other. Instead of others judging us, we decide to...

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