10 AA Slogans and Their Deeper Meanings

10 AA Slogans and Their Deeper Meanings

When people first join Alcoholics Anonymous, they may raise their eyebrows at some of the common AA slogans and phrases. These slogans can sound cheesy, especially when they get constantly repeated by people who say them without context of their deeper meanings. The...
Understanding and Practicing Step Seven

Understanding and Practicing Step Seven

Now that July has begun, we can push past the halfway point in our monthly series on the Twelve Steps by focusing upon Step Seven. This step is in many ways an extension of Step Six, in which we became ready to remove our character defects. Now, much as we did with...
Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 6

Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 6

Each month, we have been updating our series on fulfilling the Twelve Promises. Now that we’ve reached June, it is time for us to focus on the Sixth Promise. The Sixth Promise is about learning not to doubt ourselves. It is about learning to accept ourselves for what...
Understanding and Practicing Step Six

Understanding and Practicing Step Six

It’s the first day of June, so it seems like the perfect time to continue our monthly tradition of covering each of the Twelve Steps. This month is naturally Step Six, a seemingly simple step that many people tend to misinterpret when not provided with the guidance of...

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