Alpha Series: Biblical Self-Awareness

Alpha Series: Biblical Self-Awareness

We recently announced that Amethyst would begin embracing the teachings of the Alpha Series, a counseling approach that teaches the gospel of grace by incorporating lessons from the Bible into a program of recovery. Three parts of this approach were outlined, the...
Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth

Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth

This is the second installment in our series on the Seven Deadly Sins. The first we covered was envy, right before taking a short break to cover the difference between envy and jealousy. Now, our series continues with a discussion on sloth. This is one of many...
Building Accountability Through Punctuality

Building Accountability Through Punctuality

There’s a running joke on The Flash that, despite the titular superhero’s incredible speed, he always seems to be late for everything. Despite his best intentions, protagonist Barry Allen loses a lot of faith from his friends and coworkers due to his perpetual lack of...
Understanding and Practicing Step Two

Understanding and Practicing Step Two

Last month, we revealed the start of a new feature in which we are to outline each of the Twelve Steps at the beginning of their corresponding months of the year. Naturally, we began with Step One. As February is the second month of the year, we will now be covering...

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