The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept III

The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept III

Since we waited until a little later in the year to start doing a series on AA’s Twelve Concepts for World Service, the first few have been posted relatively close together. Now that it is March and we are on Concept III, we are finally caught up and able to continue...
Embracing the Third Tradition

Embracing the Third Tradition

Being the third month of the year, we’re following up our article on the Third Step of AA/NA with an article on the Third Tradition. While Tradition Three may not be entirely connected to the Second Tradition, it does actually correlate to the First Tradition in a few...
Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 1

Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 1

The Twelve Promises, also referred to as the Ninth Step Promises, are an interesting part of AA culture. They are not technically published as a list, but rather as a paragraph on pages 83-84 of the AA Big Book. Yet many have taken them and published them in list form...
The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept I

The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept I

The Origin of the Twelve Concepts In 1962, the General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous excepted co-founder Bill W.’s Twelve Concepts for World Service as the accepted interpretation of a world service structure that could benefit the whole of AA. This...

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