Our medical team, as well as the rest of our staff, can offer Amethyst patients great benefits. (lenetstan/Shutterstock)
Many of our previous articles have discussed various selling points of our program, from our personalized treatment to our size and even our location. But there is one core component of Amethyst Recovery’s services on which we have not elaborated very much—our staff. Anyone who has visited our “About Us” page in the past may note that it is a bit more extensive now, and we hope to fill our ranks with even more talented and caring individuals in the future. As it stands, however, we believe our treatment team has quite a bit to offer.
A recovery center’s staff has the potential to greatly influence a patient’s success. Sure, a patient’s dedication to remaining sober should not depend entirely on whether everyone has a sunny disposition or if there are a few downers in the crowd. That said, it’s important to remember that Step One requires addicts and alcoholics to break through quite a bit of denial. If this cannot be done, then one might never break through early recovery and begin to see the benefits of long-term sobriety. As such, it is very important to us that our patients be treated with love and empathy. We believe that our staff is not only capable, but rather enthusiastic about ensuring that patients are treated in such fashion.
Of course, the employees of any decent recovery center should be able to boast a few more credentials than a winning smile and the ability to deliver a few kind words. They must have experience. At Amethyst Recovery, we not only have a great deal of field experience but also a very personal understanding of addiction and recovery. We will discuss the benefits of this experience below, along with some of the other unique benefits that Amethyst’s staff has to offer.
Experience in the Field
Most of our staff has been extensively trained in their fields already, so Amethyst is a great place for those who want truly qualified professionals involved in their care. (Tashatuvango/Shutterstock)
When we say “unique benefits,” we are largely referring to the fact that Amethyst’s staff is comprised of numerous professionals with rather varied areas of knowledge and skills. For instance, the experience of our staff allows us to offer court liaison services to addicts and alcoholics in need of legal help. For those who have suffered trauma or abuse at some point either during or leading up to their addiction, our clinical director has been trained in EMDR trauma therapy. And for those who may need help sorting out their insurance plans, we have a CFO who has actually worked within the field of health insurance and knows quite a bit about what various plans may have to offer.
Of course, there are some who care more about quantity than quality. Fortunately, our staff is able to offer both. You may see on our page that our staff has more than 75 years of experience in the field of health care and addiction treatment. And to be frank, this might actually be a conservative estimate, seeing as we have 50 years of experience between two of our members alone. Our chief operating officer has 25 years of health care experience in the state of Florida. Meanwhile, the program director for our intensive outpatient program has held numerous titles over the past quarter-century, all of them specifically related to the field of substance abuse and treatment.
The program director adds another 18 years of experience to the total. On top of that, our four dedicated therapists have a breadth of experience between them, ranging from general psychology to the treatment of patients who suffer from various sexual issues such as hypersexual disorder. Our medical team is highly qualified as well, and even our admissions manager is a certified nursing assistant. All of these wonderful individuals are working under the guidance and leadership of a founder who has spent the past five years working with various recovery centers and learning which practices work best in the treatment of addicts and alcoholics.
We are not suggesting that Amethyst is the only treatment center with a well-experienced staff. True, you will find inexperienced staff members at some underfunded state-run facilities, and there are unfortunately lots of scam artists infiltrating the recovery community and wounding the reputation of Florida treatment centers. But our credibility as medical professionals is not our only highlight—many of us are also intimately acquainted with the disease itself.
Experience in Recovery
Many of us have taken the same journey as our patients, so we know what they are going through. (Leon T/Shutterstock)
A large number of our staff members first generated an interest in addiction recovery due to their own struggles with the disease. We have multiple employees with five to ten years of sobriety and upward, all of whom have embraced the Fifth Tradition by dedicating their lives to the treatment and well-being of fellow sufferers. Having been through the wringer, they understand how difficult early recovery can be.
Sympathy might be a major benefit of experience in recovery, but there is more to it than that. When seeking treatment, it benefits patients to have a reliable treatment team that understands what they are going through. Therapists who have not experienced addiction firsthand can still provide excellent care when they are as well-trained and experienced as our own treatment team has been, but it’s also good to have people on the treatment team who can speak to patients in a relatable manner. This will help patients to learn that they can trust their caretakers, as even those who may not have shared such experience themselves are still working for and with people who are very personally familiar with the effects of the disease.
Not only does this give them a better understanding of the disease, but also of its treatment. Those among our staff who have not had personal experiences with alcoholism and addiction can still benefit from the knowledge of their colleagues, applying this knowledge in the treatment of patients. It is difficult for some patients to accept the notion of treatment when they are first starting. They may be in denial that their disease is hurting them, or they may swing to the other side of the pendulum and feel that there is no hope of recovery. Our treatment team may act as role models in such instances, essentially acting as case studies and examples of recovery’s efficacy in helping us turn our lives around.
At the beginning, every recovering addict or alcoholic may feel as if they are stuck in a ditch, slipping every time they try to grab hold and pull themselves out. With many members of our staff who have climbed out themselves and learned to see the light, we can show our patients the true wonders of a sober lifestyle. And no matter how resistant some patients may be at first, we will be there for them to help them get through it. Because at Amethyst Recovery, we have a promise of commitment that we hold quite dear to us.
A Promise of Commitment
Patients need a treatment team able to provide encouragement and commitment. At Amethyst, that is precisely what we endeavor to give them. (Gajus/Shutterstock)
Our promise of commitment is rather easy to put into words. We pledge not to give up on patients who are willing to stay sober and follow the rules of treatment. We pledge to do everything we can to help our patients break through their denial so that they may begin the true recovery process. We pledge not to judge or look down on any patients, no matter what they may have done while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. And more than anything, we pledge to care for each patient’s recovery as if it were our own.
We discussed our staff’s experience above. If we were not committed to the care and treatment of addicts and alcoholics, we would not have so many years of experience between us. If we were not committed to the joys of sobriety, we would not have remained sober for so long ourselves. We stay committed not because we have to, but because we truly want to see people get better. Every time a patient leaves our facility with an earnest desire to stay sober and improve their lives, we feel the same joy we experienced when our own compulsions to engage in substance abuse were miraculously removed. All we want is to spread this joy to as many fellow sufferers as possible.
The pledges we have made above are our way of ensuring that we are able to fulfill our mission statement. We also offer life skills training, help with job placement and resume-building, and education assistance such as helping patients get their GEDs. Other services we offer include EMDR trauma training and special outings such as equine therapy. Our diverse and experienced staff knows that there are many components that may add to a successful stay in treatment, and we are committed to incorporating as many of these components as possible into our programs.
Amethyst Recovery’s staff is able to offer full commitment to our patients alongside a wealth of experience in both the field of addiction recovery as well as the disease of addiction itself. If you’re looking for a recovery center you can trust, you need look no further. For more information on our staff, our facilities, or our programs, contact us today.