Feeling Powerless in Detox: Faith Based Alcohol Detox Centers

Feeling Powerless in Detox: Faith Based Alcohol Detox Centers

Find God once again with the help of faith based alcohol detox centers. These treatment facilities combine faith with medical treatment. Religious beliefs can improve one’s chances for a successful recovery, and can play a huge role in addiction treatment. Many of...
Alcohol Detox For Lawyers, Politicians and Policemen

Alcohol Detox For Lawyers, Politicians and Policemen

The effects of alcohol abuse are serious. Alcohol makes you tired and depressed. It makes daily tasks hard to do. It even makes your body want to use it again. These effects make adult life even more stressful than it already is. Being a working-class citizen requires...
A 12 Step Program Could Be The Key To Your Future

A 12 Step Program Could Be The Key To Your Future

There they are. Those words that you’ve heard so much about but haven’t quite read up on: a 12 Step recovery program. But what are the 12 steps exactly and why are they brought up so frequently in rehab? They are not a form of medical treatment–they’re not...

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