Jealousy and the Need for Control

Jealousy and the Need for Control

Jealousy is a common human experience, something to which we will all fall prey at one point or another. For some people, it is rather fleeting. For others, it is one of our foremost character defects, something that takes hold of us time and time again despite our...
Seven Deadly Sins: Envy

Seven Deadly Sins: Envy

We recently announced that we would be doing a series on the Seven Deadly Sins and how they play into addiction and alcoholism. This is the first part of that series, in which each article will be focusing on three main points. First, we will give a basic overview of...
Addiction and the Seven Deadly Sins

Addiction and the Seven Deadly Sins

Many are familiar with the concept of the Seven Deadly Sins. Those of certain religious faiths believe these to be the primary transgressions or general character defects that will ensure we suffer a rather unfavorable afterlife. Those who are not religious will...
Understanding and Practicing Step Two

Understanding and Practicing Step Two

Last month, we revealed the start of a new feature in which we are to outline each of the Twelve Steps at the beginning of their corresponding months of the year. Naturally, we began with Step One. As February is the second month of the year, we will now be covering...
We Are Not Supermen: The Virtues of Asking for Help

We Are Not Supermen: The Virtues of Asking for Help

For those who enjoy superhero movies, 2016 is going to be a pretty big year. Fox is releasing Deadpool and X-Men: Apocalypse. Warner Bros is releasing Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad. Marvel is releasing Captain America: Civil War and Doctor...

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